












从动画到医疗创新, 计算机科学改进并加速了我们今天所依赖的所有技术. 作为一名计算机专业的学生, 你可以成为推动我们前进的技术变革的一部分, 这是否意味着要保证医疗信息的安全, 为服务不足的社区赋权,或对环境灾难发出警告. 

正规的赌博app’s 计算机科学 Department offers highly flexible undergraduate and graduate degrees in computer science that help you work toward numerous careers  for a computer science major. Our programs equip you with both the theoretical knowledge and the high-level skills in emerging technologies you need to build an exciting and thriving career. 除了你的课程作业, 你将在实验室里测试你的知识,为你的职业生涯做准备. 你也将有机会和老师一起参与研究, and compete in national and international competitions where you will collaborate with students majoring in other disciplines.


If you find yourself analyzing the latest tech releases or wondering how a new piece of software works, 计算机科学学位可能正是你想要的.

计算机科学专业的学生有很多工作, 包括电脑游戏开发者, 用户体验设计师, IT安全分析师和人工智能开发人员. Payscale.Com报告75美元,100美元是计算机科学专业早期工作的平均工资, 而职业中期的平均工资为123美元,400. Explore programs offered by the computer science department to learn more about your path to employment in computer science, 数据科学及相关领域.



美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,计算机和研究专家的就业机会将增长22%, 哪一条比其他职业道路的平均速度快得多. The 计算机科学 department at Kettering ensures you’ll have the skills necessary to stay current and remain marketable throughout your career in data science.

在我们的项目之外, Kettering’s 计算机科学 department offers individual specialized courses such as Advanced Game Design, 人工智能与软件工程. 这些课程帮助你准备在世界各地的组织追求高薪工作.

  • 计算机科学专业理学学士学位
  • 我们的学士学位旨在为您提供全面的教育. 除了计算机科学系的课程和实验室工作, 你将学习从事相关职业所需的一切,如数据科学. 从人工智能到生物技术再到商业, your computer science degree builds a solid foundation for graduate work or securing industry jobs.
  • 计算机科学学士/硕士学位
  • 如果你的积极性很高, 目标明确,对提高计算机科学专业知识感兴趣, 凯特林的学士/硕士学位衔接课程是为你设计的. 学习需求技能, knowledge and experience that prepares you for a career in data science or other growing fields. 如果你对在亚马逊这样的公司的技术部门工作感兴趣, 或是福特汽车公司, a combined bachelor/master’s degree built around your computer science degree might be the perfect fit.
  • 计算机科学(副修及专业)
  • 你是否对人类与虚拟现实(VR)技术的交集感兴趣?? 或者你可能会发现人工智能被用于医疗保健, 农业, 制造业和军事令人着迷? A computer science student may select a concentration that allows you to customize your CS degree to your particular career interests.  Non-CS majors may select the same topics as a minor to help you customize your degree with additional 计算机科学 expertise, 认识到计算机科学在许多工程和商业领域发挥的重要作用. Adding a CS minor to any bachelor’s degree enhances your marketability for any career in the tech industry. 
  • 电脑游戏(主修,辅修)
  • 学习技术, science and art involved in the creation and design of computer games and take your gaming skills—and your career in computer science—to the next level. 计算机科学系的游戏学位课程包括算法, 计算机图形学, 游戏设计和游戏开发.
  • 网络安全(主修,辅修)
  • 从医疗保健到国际贸易, 保护计算机网络安全的能力对我们社会的各个方面都至关重要. 我们的网络安全选项可帮助您培养始终需求旺盛的宝贵技能. 此外还有四个创新实验室, 您将从活跃于研究图像和视频处理的教师那里学习, 无线传感器网络, 社交网络和自动驾驶汽车.
  • 人工智能(主修,辅修)
  • 人工智能(AI)多年来一直吸引着研究人员的想象力, but AI has now become a pervasive technology that is infused in many aspects of everyday life. From healthcare to stock trading, artificial intelligence is impacting every aspect of our society. Our 人工智能 option helps you develop invaluable skills in the fastest growing industrial sector with average expected growths of over 70%. 除了创新的跨学科课程, 您将从活跃于研究图像和视频处理的教师那里学习, 机器学习, 数据挖掘, 自动驾驶汽车.
  • 应用数据科学与分析硕士(校内或在线)
  • We created our 数据科学 主’s Degree in response to organizations infusing the competencies of data science and analytics into various sub-disciplines within companies. 职业生涯 in data science today require mining information specific to a department or objective so stakeholders can make better decisions.
  • Our in-person or online data analytics degree covers both statistical and computing technologies including 数据挖掘, 机器学习和云计算. Paired with electives in the areas of Management and Engineering such as Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Resource Planning, 您的数据分析学位为您在数据科学领域的各种职业做好准备.
学位和课程 学位类型
本科 浓度 网络的主人 证书 在线证书
本科 浓度 网络的主人 证书 在线证书
本科 网络的主人
本科 浓度 网络的主人 证书 在线证书
本科 浓度 网络的主人 证书 在线证书
本科 浓度 网络的主人 证书 在线证书
本科 浓度 网络的主人 证书 在线证书


从数据分析学位到机器人专业, our 计算机科学 department’s programs are research-based and provide you with the valuable skills you need—whether you’re looking to design a stunning video game or secure a career in data science.



合作学习是你计算机科学学位的一部分. Throughout your time at Kettering, you’ll rotate between classroom study and real-life work. 当你从计算机专业毕业的时候, 你会理解理论,并拥有雇主所需要的专业知识.


作为一名计算机专业的学生, you’ll have the opportunity to enter industry competitions such as the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) First 人工智能 for Mobility Challenge. 凯特林团队总体排名第四, 在解决方案展示中获得第一名,在利益相关者展示类别中获得第三名.


正规的赌博app students regularly assemble teams to participate in hackathons around the country. 我们的学生比规模是我们十倍的学校表现更好, 学生们总是喜欢在比赛中开发的令人兴奋的技术.


Kettering is one of eight schools in North America that participates in the first AutoDrive Challenge sponsored by the Society of Automotive Engineers and General Motors. This annual event helps computer science majors and engineering students understand technological innovation related to the development of autonomous vehicles. 


Our active chapter of the 计算机科学荣誉协会 promotes computer science and celebrates the accomplishments of computer science majors. 每学期,我们最优秀的学生都被邀请成为这个受人尊敬的组织的成员.




由ABET, Inc .计算机认证委员会认证.

正规的赌博app is one of only five universities to receive the distinction in Michigan.


U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道


在凯特林, we understand how important real-world experiences are while earning your computer science degree. 作为一名计算机科学专业的学生,你将在最先进的实验室中获得实践经验.

计算机网络实验室 允许您探索网络设计并构建微型版的Internet.

计算机与网络安全实验室 gives 计算机科学 majors the opportunity to experiment with computer viruses and virus protection, 以及探测和攻击现代操作系统的安全性.

计算机系统实验室 教你如何为Linux操作系统编写系统软件模块. Linux仍然是行业标准, so employers expect 计算机科学 degree holders to be well-versed in this family of operating systems.

微型计算机Ι和ΙΙ实验室 让你, 我是计算机专业的学生, 在汇编代码级别学习嵌入式计算机系统的编程.


如果你对学习计算机科学感兴趣, 凯特琳努力帮助你实现你的目标. Earning your computer science degree at Kettering is affordable—99% of our students receive grants, 贷款和/或勤工俭学的机会.


作为一名计算机专业的学生, 你将从一群精英创新者那里学习, the majority of whom hold computer science degrees at the PhD level and regularly conduct research in real-world settings. Our computer science faculty actively conduct  research in areas such as artificial intelligence, 图像和视频处理, 无线传感器网络, 虚拟和增强计算机图形学和网络安全. 每位教员都明白,计算机科学专业的学生如何才能获得高层职位.


在计算机科学领域,教育很重要. 拥有学士学位比拥有副学士学位平均多挣2万美元. 今天就开始你的数据科学之路吧.


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